
Mobile Claw Trimming

We deliver a painless peti-cure for perfect paws

About Mobile Claw Trimming

City Cat Claws is a mobile claw trimming service created by Cats in the City.  Our mobile nail trimming service puts perfect paws within your reach. Since we come to you, your cat does not need to be packed up in a carrier and loaded in the car.  We will safely and painlessly trim your cat’s claws in their home environment, and even apply Soft Claws nail caps.

Soften up the tough love

If your kitty is the “kneady” type, you know the pain of sharp claws. Protect your clothing and skin with regular nail trimming of your cat’s claws. Regular cat claw trimming is important—and not just to protect your furniture.

Claws can become painfully ingrown into paw pads when cat claws are allowed to grow untrimmed.  By keeping cat claws trimmed, you protect your cat from injury if they are prone to snagging claws on carpets and bedding.

What all the chic cats are wearing

Invented by a veterinarian, Soft Claws nail caps are non-toxic tips applied to each of your cat’s front and rear claws. Your kitty can still extend and retract its claws, but the tips are blunt and won’t damage furniture, clothing, or skin. The nail caps are available in a spectrum of colors, as well as clear, so a fashionable feline can show her true colors. Soft Claws last about 4-6 weeks.

Our Prices

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Prices for Cats in the City’s mobile cat claws service are based on the driving distance from our cat resort.

There’s no extra charge for handling a cat with attitude.

Nail Trimming (front and back paws):

  • 1–4 miles : $119
  • 5–6 miles: $129
  • 7–8 miles: $139
  • 9–10 miles: $149
  • 10-12 miles: $159
  • Each additional cat at the same location: $45

SoftPaws Nail Caps:

$25 for front claws / $20 for rear claws + nail trimming charge

Additional Services:


  • Trim Ingrown Claw: $25 per claw
  • Wound Cleaning: $25 per wound
  • Sanitary Trim, No Bath: $35
  • Ear Cleaning & Nasal Flush: $25


Caring for Cats in the Portland Metro Area

We measure our love of cats by how much we are loved by them.

Have questions or need to arrange care for your feline friend? We’re here to help! Reach out to us for any inquiries or to schedule our services.

For more immediate assistance, feel free to call us. We look forward to hearing from you and providing the best care for your cat!


Phone: 503-214-2003

NE Tabor


