
Boarding Cats with Asthma

Boarding Cats with Asthma: Comprehensive Care at Cats in the City

Cats with asthma require specialized care, especially when they are away from their familiar home environment. At Cats in the City, we understand the unique needs of asthmatic cats and are dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable, and supportive boarding experience. Here’s how we ensure the well-being of your asthmatic cat during their stay with us.

Understanding Feline Asthma

Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the airways, causing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Environmental triggers, such as allergens, dust, and stress, can exacerbate these symptoms. Proper management involves avoiding triggers, administering medication, and monitoring the cat’s respiratory health.

Creating an Asthma-Friendly Environment

Clean Air System

  • Air Quality: We use advanced air ionization systems like iWave and NuShield to clean the air, reducing dust, mold, bacteria, viruses, allergens, and smoke. This helps to maintain a fresh and healthy environment, minimizing potential asthma triggers.
  • Ventilation: Each room is equipped with hospital-grade flooring and ventilated with clean fresh air, central heating, and cooling to ensure optimal air quality and comfort for your cat.

Minimizing Stress

  • Calm Atmosphere: We create a serene environment to reduce stress, which can trigger asthma attacks. Our soundproof grooming suites, soft lighting, and soothing music contribute to a tranquil atmosphere.
  • Familiar Scents: Using familiar scents or pheromone diffusers like Feliway helps to calm your cat and make them feel more at home.

Specialized Care and Monitoring

Medication Administration

  • Inhalers and Nebulizers: Our trained staff can administer asthma medication, including inhalers and nebulizers, as prescribed by your veterinarian. We follow strict protocols to ensure your cat receives their medication on time and in the correct dosage.
  • Oral Medications: If your cat is on oral medications for asthma management, we ensure these are given according to your vet’s instructions.

Monitoring Respiratory Health

  • Close Observation: We monitor your cat’s respiratory health closely, watching for any signs of distress or asthma attacks. Our staff is trained to recognize symptoms early and respond promptly.
  • Daily Health Checks: Regular health checks are conducted to assess your cat’s overall well-being, including their breathing patterns and any changes in their condition.

Comfort and Enrichment

Personalized Rooms

  • Comfortable Accommodations: Your cat will stay in a private, personalized room designed for their comfort. Each room is spacious enough to allow them to move freely without feeling confined.
  • Soft Bedding: We provide soft, hypoallergenic bedding to ensure your cat can rest comfortably without exposure to potential allergens.

Play and Interaction

  • Enrichment Activities: Cats receive ample time to explore common areas, playrooms, and the Catio (when available). These activities are carefully managed to avoid overexertion.
  • Gentle Handling: Our staff is trained to handle cats gently, minimizing stress and ensuring your cat feels safe and secure.

Communication and Support

Regular Updates

  • Stay Informed: We keep you updated on your cat’s condition and well-being throughout their stay. You will receive regular reports and photos to reassure you that your cat is in good hands.
  • Open Communication: If we notice any changes in your cat’s condition, we will contact you immediately and work together to decide the best course of action.

Preparing for the Stay

Pre-Boarding Consultation

  • Medical History: Provide us with your cat’s complete medical history, including details of their asthma management plan and any triggers to avoid.
  • Medication Instructions: Ensure you bring all necessary medications with clear instructions from your veterinarian.

At Cats in the City, we are committed to providing exceptional care for cats with asthma. Our dedicated team, specialized environment, and personalized approach ensure that your cat receives the best possible care during their stay. If you have any questions or need to arrange boarding for your asthmatic cat, please contact us. We look forward to providing a safe and comfortable experience for your feline friend.

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